Sunday, November 1, 2009


Jackson endured his 2nd Halloween - this one as a vampire with his matching twin vampire brother, Bodhi. We started off the holiday the weekend before at the pumpkin patch with Mozzie and Opa, selecting the perfect pumpkin...or just sitting on them and admiring a piece of straw. Regardless, it felt like fall.

Halloween day was pretty warm, so we went on a nice fall hike with our friends Dave and Jo, and their daughter Lauren who was born 1 week after Jackson. After skipping his nap, we carted a very tired vampire to Chevy Chase to trick-or-treat with cousins Dylan and Daisy (and the impending cousin, whom we are affectionately calling either Lily, Tulip, or Violet until Eric and Eve announce her real name). Jackson was a little overwhelmed, but seems to be attached to holding things, perhaps his retriever brother is rubbing off on him. So as you can tell, he felt better clutching a Snickers. Just like Papa.

Afterwards we handed out candy in our neighborhood and visited with Henry, the cowboy. It rained and was cold, but we had fun anyway.

Caught in the act - leave us alone with our candy, mom.
Jackson is really up to a lot these days - he took his first steps last weekend, which was so exciting (and he was holding Bo's leash). And he is now cruising on all the furniture and pushing his train all over the living room, down the sidewalk - he's really flirting with walking and we're so proud of him. He's also learned the sign for 'more', he's standing on his own, and says bye-bye, mama, dada, and bobo, and carries on full conversations with the contents of the refridgerator. We can't tell whether he is trying to liberate the butter and leftovers or eat them. All in all, we cannot complain; he remains an enormously laid back kid - as evidenced by his laughing through the 3.5 hours we waited for his H1N1 vaccine - we'll take it. Hope everyone had a great Halloween!

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