Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Bump - 17 weeks

I'm definitely showing now, so we thought we'd post some pictures to see the growing belly! We find out the sex on Monday so we'll be sure to update everyone.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2nd sonogram

We had another sonogram at 13 weeks, and couldn't believe how much Singy has grown! We totally expected to see more of a ball of cells like the 8 week picture, but this time we could see feet, ribs, bone structure for the face including eyes and a nose - it was literally amazing. At 13 weeks Singy is about the size of a medium shrimp, according to Unbelievable to think that our shrimp has so many parts developed already. The first picture shows the profile of the head; in the second you can make out the ribcage and armbone. If you have trouble seeing it, the baby is lying on its back looking straight up, so you're seeing its right side from a profile: