Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

I find it very funny that Jackson is LOVING trucks right now. Ever since he saw his cousin Carson drive a truck across the carpet while visiting Aunt Sarah, he cannot get enough of driving his toy car. And fish. And toy box top. And yesterday? Ah yes, it was a piece of cheese that he drove across his highchair. Guess it really is in the DNA! And no, he didn't stop to ask for directions.

And on the topic of boys, congrats to Aunt Sarah for having little Vance! We have been waiting for him for so long and are just thrilled that he's here safe and sound - not to mention healthy and huge and adorable:)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer Fun!

Our summer has been off to a great start; particularly since Kevin graduated and is home most of the time when he's not busy studying for boards (which fall on my birthday at the end of July).

In May, our interfaith gathering had a welcoming ceremony for babies, where they blessed Jackson and the other kids with holy water and a prayer shawl and said both Jewish and Christian blessings for his well-being.

We had Kevin's whole family in town for graduation; here's a shot of Jax with Nana and Zeidi (and Snuggles), and getting in some storytime!

And so far, we have a little fish who loves the water - he dunked his face in twice last weekend without prompting!

And we celebrated the 4th of July by taking our little firecracker to Cville for a stay at the Boar's Head, to celebrate being able to just get away as a family at the drop of a hat - finally! We went to the pool, ate outside on the downtown mall and listened to street performers at Fridays after Five, went to the spa, and just celebrated our independence from daddy's pager. Here's our little wahoo checking out his future residence on the Lawn from the Rotunda, a shot of he and daddy eating chips in bed together, and some Fourth of July fun!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Daddy's Done!!!

After 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of med school, and 6 long years of residency...Kevin graduated! We are so proud of his achievement and took in plenty of events to commemorate the occasion. First, I snuck Jackson to the portrait studio for some Father's Day/Graduation pictures in his full scrubs - he was quite the ham and definitely the hit of the session! Kevin's department threw a black tie roast at the Four Seasons, where both of our families enjoyed numerous compliments on Kevin's abilities, a really heartfelt thank you speech, and plenty of teasing. Finally, we celebrated the last day of residency with a bbq-blow out including a bluegrass band, face painters, balloon animals, and cake with our friends Fred and Jesse (who was also graduating from residency) complete with a 'gravy train' cake and matching train whistles. The long ride has ended! And we are so proud of you babe - you deserve a lot of credit for some tough work and a job well done:)