Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Card Out-takes

Here is a rare behind-the-scenes look at our 2008 Christmas Card Photo Shoot, which happened in late November (Jackson was almost 4 mos old). The last picture is the one we went with, called "the lick." We chose that one because we couldn't find another of all 4 of us (or even the 2 boys) that was good, but more because it made us laugh - and that is exactly what we all needed. Some of these outtakes were pretty funny - my faves are the first two, because they capture our real lives. We might sometimes pull ourselves together and seem organized, but just half a second before this was taken, here's what really happened! I guess there goes my bid for Congress:) The next few I just thought were really cute and captured Jackson's personality, and the final one just says it all. They were sitting so nicely together and just as I went to click the picture, Bodhi turned in for a sneak attack kiss and we caught the moment of brotherly love!