These days I'm often reminded of the TV ad "Having a baby changes everything" - I think its by Johnson & Johnson. My version would involve the ways our lives are different, like how yesterday I finally got to do yoga while Jackson napped in his swing, and just as the insructor on the DVD asked us to focus on our breath, Jackson punctuated my inner peace with a series of still-asleep toots. Nice. But it made me laugh, which probably gave me more peace than a DVD would have anyway. And I'm surprised at the way he has changed me. Like how my pre-baby self would try to accomplish way more in a day than I could possibly hope to do; now, getting a shower
and a load of laundry done in the same 12 hour period is a huge feat. But somehow, I'm not as frustrated - perhaps because he's managing my expectations much better than I ever did. And though I still try to multitask, he seems to sense it and either won't eat well (I know, that's unlikely!) or chooses those moments for a blowout. So he really forces me to pay attention and be in the moment. And at the rate the moments are flying by, thank God for that:)